Although a novel dosing concept, direct sublingual marijuana application is firmly rooted in science and parallels the most effective traditional uses of medical cannabis.
Direct sublingual application involves placing precisely decarboxylated cannabis under the tongue, allowing the cannabinoids to immediately enter the bloodstream through the vessel-rich tissues within the sublingual cavity. Fast, accurate uptake without the hazards of smoking!

Hi Ardent Family!
We hope you have something fun or relaxing planned for the holiday. After our last message, we heard from a lot of you wanting to know more about the second aspect of the testing results we hinted at during our last message. Well, you know how much we love science, so lets get right to it!

We randomly test decarboxylators that are out in the field, just to make sure that we are always delivering consistent quality to our patients. This discussion uses the results from two units tested earlier this month.
THC Conversion
Patient #1 - A sativa strain named Juicy Fruit was our starting material, but kief, trim, or concentrates would have worked, too. The control testing of non-decarbed flower is on the left, marked JF Control. Remember it is critical to have the starting material test to compare with the decarbed results. It is the only way to show you aren't burning off any cannabinoids in the process. While its somewhat easy to convert THCA to THC, it is very difficult to do so without destroying a lot of THCA in the process.

In the control test to the left, there is a maximum potential THC level of 19%.* On the right side is the decarbed sample (we redacted the patients' names for privacy). With a precision decarb, we get full conversion of the maximum amount of THC possible, retaining the entire 19%. If you were dosing this, you could create a 190mg product using just 1 gram!
Patient #2 – Here you can see the same results with the second unit, full conversion without any loss of THC during the process. In addition to the THCA conversion, you might have noticed something else interesting happening during these tests. And it involves the chameleon-like CBGa.

CBG Conversion
There is a lot of interest in CBGa and for good reason. It reminds me of a stem cell, has it has the ability to convert into several different cannabinoids. CBGa is the building block for THC, CBD and CBC. In our starting control sample of Juicy Fruit, there is some CBCa, ready and waiting to become something amazing. Let’s see how it turned out:
Patient #1 – CBGa in the control converts to CBD and CBC

Patient #2 – CBGa in the control converts to CBD and CBC

We think its fun and educational to explore the different aspects of cannabis science. Let us know what you would like us to discuss next!
With Love and Gratitude,
Save $30 off a decarboxylator with the code DECARB2017 at
*to find the maximum available THC, multiply the THCA by .877 then add that number to any THC already present. Here for example, the maximum THC that can be derived from the starting material is 20% THCA x .877 = 17.5% + 1.5% THC = 19%. Where does the .877 number come from? The carboxyl group that we want to remove during decarb weighs 13% of the total molecule. So during proper decarb, when we are removing that molecule only, it will reduce the weight by slightly less than 13%; the 87% remaining weight is the converted THC.