Perfect for Nova owners: grab the Nova’s hottest new accessories to upgrade your in-unit decarb, infusion, and baking experience! Get our full line of Nova Lifters plus the Nova Vessel to save time, effort, and precious materials, with storage space for herb, infusions, and edibles.
How to Use
Slide whichever Nova accessory you would like to use, based on your needs, into the Nova unit. If using the Vessel in-unit, keep the Vessel lid to the side during the cycle. if using a larger jar to decarb, opt for the Single Lifter for added stability, and the Double Lifter when working with two materials at once.
Compatible With
The Nova Vessel and Nova Single and Double Lifters are compatible with the Ardent Nova.
Get in time for 420! 🎉 Ships by April 10th, with expedited or standard shipping.