Ardent Pantry Party Series

Cinnamon Breakfast Oatmeal - This recipe is perfect for a morning breakfast edible, breakfast for dinner, or an anytime snack. Use your favorite oats, shelf-stable milk, and go crazy on the customization.

Cannabuttered Pasta with Peas and Herbs - Spin the lazy Susan and pull out your favorite spices and dried herbs for this one! We love thyme, rosemary, sage, and of course, salt and pepper. You can always add a squeeze of lemon or some crushed red pepper to change the flavor up a bit.

Zesty Infused Soupy "Anytime" Beans - On their own, poured into soups and stews, or with a side of rice, these zesty beans take lots of cooking and prep time, but pay their debts in flavor. Add a sprig of parsley to freshen things up.

Learn more about the FX and how you can create edibles, topicals, and all your other favorite products right inside!

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