There are a ton of different ways to consume weed that you may not have heard of, but today let's take a look at smoking. What can you use to smoke weed? We'll tell you, here are 23 different ways to smoke weed that you may not be familiar with.
1. Vaporizer (Likely the Healthiest Way to Smoke Weed)
Today, dry vaping is thought of as one of the healthiest ways to smoke weed. You can try a portable herb vaporizer or you can use the tabletop versions which include inhaling a vapor filled plastic bag, allowing you to inhale at your own pace. Keep your devices clean with pipe cleaners and rubbing alcohol. Like vaping but looking for increased potency? Decarb the cannabis then vape at a low temperature to keep the flavors crisp.

2. Bong
Bongs are a type of water pipe that can be made out of glass, plastic, ceramic, silicone, and more. Grind up your cannabis plant material. Add water to your bong and pack a few pinches of cannabis evenly in the bowl. Light it, and slowly start milking it, before clearing the whole chamber. Bong's are great for high potency smoking but may be too much for beginners.

3. Vaporizer Pens
There are many vape pen options, making vaporizing weed or concentrates ultra convenient. First, charge the battery portion in full. Then, depending on the unit, either add your plant material or concentrate, and get stoned. Some pens may be able to do flower or concentrates while some come with attachments that allow you to go seamlessly back and forth between the two.

4. Joint
You can roll a joint or spliff with rolling papers, some hemp CBD flower or regular THC flower, and a filter (sometimes called a crutch). Grind your weed and place the filter on the right or left side of the rolling paper with the glue facing you. Place your bud from the filter to the end, and start tucking and rolling your paper. When you get close to the top, lick the glue and seal the joint. Pinch and roll the top before lighting. If you find this process a bit too challenging, you can purchase pre-rolled cones, and stuff them with ground cannabis instead.

5. Soda Can
The soda can, like the apple pipe, is sometimes one of the first smoking devices utilized by new smokers, because you can find the materials in practically every home, and they cost next to nothing. First, flatten the can a bit, and remove the pop tab from the mouthpiece. Using a screwdriver, make a hole in the side of the can, which will act as the carb. Then, using a pin, poke a series of small holes close together in the top of the can, place your cannabis on top of those holes, light it, and inhale through the mouthpiece. The soda can is a discreet smoking method because it be disposed of after use; however, the inside of the can is lined with a coating that can contain dangerous carcinogens, which should not be inhaled. Maybe stick to the apple method, next time, just to be safe.

6. Gravity Bong
The gravity bong is a DIY favorite. This water bong can be created using a 2 liter plastic bottle and a large bucket. Simply cut the bottom off of the 2 liter bottle and fill the bucket with water. Then, put a glass bowl piece, or a piece of aluminum foil with some holes in it, on the mouthpiece portion of the bottle. Submerge the bottom of the 2 liter in the bucket, leaving the mouthpiece in the air, and pack and light the bowl. As it's being lit, begin to slowly lift the bottle from the water, remove the bowl/foil, and place your mouth over it. Begin to inhale while slowly submerging the bottle back into the bucket.

7. Tinfoil
It's possible to make a bowl out of tin foil, though it isn't particularly healthy to use. In emergency situations, fold a square of tinfoil in half twice. Roll the 4-layer aluminum foil into a cone shape, and crease the side opposite your mouthpiece about an inch from the end. Fold it upwards and shape it into a bowl. Add a screen as a filter, or simply pack your cannabis in the bowl and puff away. Dispose of after use.

8. Bubbler
Bubblers use water and a percolator system to create clean hits, basically, like a mini sized bong and bowl combo. Fill the bubbler with a bit of cold water, cover the carb, and enjoy smooth pulls. There are even bubblers smaller in size, designed to filter joints, making the hits even richer.

9. Blunt
When it comes to blunts, you've got options. The easiest to roll is a blunt wrap, which you can find in most smoke shops, along with their popular, harder-to-roll counterparts. Depending on your material of choice, you must first either crack the cigar down the center, or unroll it. Then, carefully run it under water for a few seconds, pat dry with a paper towel, and roll, licking it sealed. For those who want to stay away from tobacco there are numerous hemp blunt wraps that keep nicotine completely out of the picture.

10. One Hitter
The one hitter is a perfect tool for those who only need a hit or two before going about their active lives. It's a small pipe that can be quickly packed with a pinch of bud, lit, and emptied. Go extra incognito with a one hitter with a subtle orange bit on the end, designed to look just like a cigarette, for your discreet, on-the-go needs.

11. Chalice
A chalice is a water pipe commonly used in the Rastafarian religion. The pipe is usually made out of a coconut or other natural container, and is used spiritually to reflect on important issues surrounding the world and the self. Grind your cannabis and place it in the cone-shaped "kutchie." Put a small bit of water over top, and thoroughly light your bowl before taking a deep hit.

12. Bowl
A bowl is a small glass pipe. This pipe has a carb, or hole, placed to the left or right of it. Place your thumb over it while taking your hit, and release it just before your inhale to clear the chamber. Bowls make for great collectible glass pieces due to their size and portability.

13. Wooden Pipe/Hand Pipes
Yes, you technically can use a wooden tobacco pipe to smoke marijuana. If you are already a tobacco smoker, you may have a better experience if you mix your ground cannabis with a bit of tobacco, and although there are no carbs on these pipes, they do work if you're in a pinch and there's nothing else available.

14. Gas Mask
A gas mask can be attached to the end of a bong for a novel and popular way to basically... hot box yourself. Fill the bong with water and add your ground cannabis to the bowl. Put the gas mask over your face with the mouthpiece in place, and attach your mask to the bong. Once you clear the chamber, the mask will begin filling with smoke, and you can continue to inhale and exhale as needed. When you're done, simply loosen the gas mask and revel in the psychoactive effects.

15. Hookahs
When smoking weed out of a hookah, or shisha pipe, sharing with friends is easy as the coals keep the bud lit. To use a hookah fill the base with water, attach your hose and pack the ceramic bowl with layers of shisha tobacco between layers of ground cannabis. Place a piece of tin foil tightly over the bowl and poke multiple holes through it with a toothpick, then secure your bowl on the pipe, and place hot coals over top.

16. Dabbing
Dabbing has become one of the most common ways to consume cannabis extract over the past few years. To dab, you'll need a dab rig, a blowtorch filled with butane, a carb cap, dab tool, and the concentrate of your choice (ie: BHO (hash oil), shatter, or live rosin if you're fancy). There are also plenty of devices on the market making the process simpler, including e-rigs that let you leave the flame torch in the past. A lesser known but much more pleasant option than traditional dabbing is to decarb the concentrates first. This allows you to take low temp, easy-on-the-throat puffs while increasing potency.

17. Steamroller
A steamroller is usually a long, glass, dry pipe notorious for its strong throat hits. Think of it as a water-less bong. Unlike most bowls, the carb sits at the end of the long pipe, and while you inhale, the smoke has the time to cool before hitting your mouth. The steamroller is a better option for advanced smokers, due to the harshness of the hits.

18. Hot Knives
Most popular in New Zealand, a method called hot knives, or "spotting," is performed when the ends of two (butter) knives are heated on an electric burner. The heated knives are placed between a bud, and the smoke that comes off the bud is quickly inhaled. This is more common when smoking hash on its own, which is traditionally mixed with tobacco when using other methods such as a joint.

19. Corn Husk
Starting with a piece of unhusked corn, peel it, and let the husks sit out to dry. Grind the buds, and cut down a dried husk to about the shape and size of a paper or piece of fronto leaf. Use a crutch or glass tip, if desired, and roll it as you would a joint or blunt.

20. Plastic Lung
Also known as the aqua lung, or a waterfall bong, this method is used to smoke marijuana using just a 2 liter bottle and a metal pipe bowl or glass bong stem. Punch a hole into the bottle around one inch from the bottom, and cover it with electrical tape. Fill your bottle up with water about 4/5 of the way, and place your bong stem inside the mouthpiece. Light the cannabis continually using a hemp wick and remove the electrical tape at the same time. Allow the waterfall bong to drain into a bucket or sink, and inhale what remains from the mouthpiece.

21. Water Bottle
Again, not the healthiest option, but an option nonetheless. Find a standard water bottle and remove the label and cap. Put a piece of aluminum foil over the mouthpiece and use a toothpick to poke a few holes through it. Pack it. Fill the bottle 1/4 of the way with water, and punch a hole through the side, about three inches above the water. Put your mouth over the hole, light the bud, and inhale.

22. Rose Blunts
Rose blunts are the stoner way to say I love you. Wash your rose petals and lay them out with the round side facing upwards on a baking sheet. Place in the broiler for 12 seconds. Remove from oven, and lick the petals together as if you're making an extended joint. Three petals is sufficient. Place your attached petals to broil for another 12 seconds. Roll as you would a joint or blunt, and finally, place back in the oven for another 10 seconds to seal.

23. E-Cigarette with Cartridges
Cartridge vape pens have made smoking cannabis more discreet than ever before, which probably explains their recent rise in popularity. They are vaped on a re-chargable (or disposable) battery, and gets you high with very little residual smell. If using pods, we can't recommend strongly enough that you purchase them from sources you trust, ideally with testing results provided. Although very convenient, there is still much testing to be done on what adverse effect they may have on the human body.

Additional ways to smoke weed
There are even more ways to smoke such as:
- Glass blunt
- Fronto
- Thai sticks
- Cannagars
No matter what method you choose, all of these can get the job done. How many of these smoking methods have you tried? Can you think of any others? Tag us in your favorites on Instagram for the chance to be featured on our page!