Direct sublingual application is firmly rooted in science and is traditionally one of the most effective uses of medical marijuana.
Direct sublingual application allows the cannabinoids to quickly enter the bloodstream through the vessel-rich tissues within the sublingual cavity which can be achieved by placing decarboxylated cannabis under the tongue.
Sublingual THC dosing is a fast, accurate ingestion without the hazards of smoking.

Sublingual THC Dosing Starts with 100% Decarboxylation
The first step to sublingual THC dosing is to decarboxylate the cannabis plant to active the cannabinoids present.
This discovery is significant, as sublingual use of decarboxylated cannabis provides accurate delivery of THC and other useful cannabinoids, such as CBD, without the drawbacks of smoking or cooking cannabis.

The onset of pharmacological effects is rapid, and the duration often exceeds other forms of ingestion. With sublingual marijuana use, the delivery of both THC and other useful cannabinoids is significantly improved.
Sublingual delivery of cannabis is a superior mode of administration considering the hazards of smoking cannabis, and the pharmacokinetic limitations of ingesting cannabis.
THCA in its natural state, is the biosynthesized precursor to activate THC in marijuana. The carboxyl group tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) in cannabis must be removed by heat. Once the cannabis is "decarboxylated" you have activated the THC.
When smoked the THC is delivered rapidly through the lungs. On the other hand, when THC is digested in the gastrointestinal tract, the effects are felt at a much slower rate. Unfortunately, the conventional methods of preparing and ingesting cannabis involve imprecise and incomplete decarboxylation which lead to an inferior medicine and lower THC potency in your final product.
Benefits of Putting THC Oil Under the Tongue
Sublingual Cannabis Use is Superior to Smoking
Sublingual cannabis delivery provides rapid effects similar to smoking without exposing the lungs to heat, tar, or other unwanted collateral effects. Including the unpleasant smell of smoke, dry mouth, and throat irritation caused by smoking. Not to mention the side effects on an individual's lungs after years of smoking cannabis.
When, ignited, nearly 50% of the cannabinoids present in cannabis literally “go up in smoke” that is not actually inhaled by the user. Putting THC oil under the tongue is more efficient, ultimately, requiring smaller amounts of cannabis for the same effect, as more of the active cannabinoids are absorbed into the bloodstream.
Sublingual administration allows the user to avoid the heat, tar, potential kickback, and even the carbon dioxide created by the most popular smoking alternative such as flower vaporizers. Today vape pens are the most popular smoking alternative to flower, but the health effects are just starting to be understood. Most importantly, sublingual administration allows for accurate dosing of cannabinoids, ensuring that patients and physicians retain control.
Sublingual Marijuana Use is Better than Ingestion
Sublingual delivery is superior to ingestion of cannabis. While ingesting cannabis can provide long lasting therapeutic effects, this method presents numerous drawbacks as well.
Onset from ingestion is significantly delayed - generally an average of over an hour after administration. This delay also makes it difficult to titrate doses as compared to sublingual administration. When ingesting cannabis the onset of pharmacological effect typically takes between 30 minutes and 120 minutes.
Effects from Sublingual Dosing is Fast
Conversely, the sublingual dosage form induces an effect in a subject within about 30 to 120 seconds of the sublingual dosage. Therefore, ingestion is an inefficient form of administration due to the lag in time of the effects.
Decreased bioavailability in the digestive tract results in absorption of only 10% to 20% of cannabinoids. On the other hand, during the oral ingestion the cannabis must “first pass metabolism,” whereby the cannabinoids are first processed by the liver before entering the bloodstream.

Processing by the liver alters cannabinoids, leading to distinct therapeutic effects from those experienced with other forms of administration. While ingestion of cannabis may be unsatisfactory on its own, it can be an excellent complement to sublingual administration. In conjunction with sublingual delivery, ingestion can provide the user with a more therapeutic experience.
Is Sublingual Administration Right for You?
The traditional methods of preparing and ingesting cannabis have several drawbacks, which include:
- Smoking cannabis creates harmful carcinogens through destructive pyrolysis of numerous plant compounds due to the heat of the flame and can also cause irritation to the lung tissue
- Eating cannabis requires a significant period of time before you feel the effects, and the uptake through the gastrointestinal tract is uneven and incomplete
- Also, any preparation other than smoking requires extraction of the active cannabinoids into a secondary medium, which results in loss during extraction and inconsistent end results.
Direct sublingual application (DSA) of cannabis, however, provides accurate, rapid administration with no negative health effects.
Have Questions on How to Use Sublingual THC Drops?
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This is the best article that I have read about the different routes/ways of using medicinal cannabis! I look forward to exploring your website further! Sharing with everyone I know! THANK YOU
I take a whole dropper under my tongue and I don’t feel any affects..
Hi guys I’ve been reading on site and people are saying the plastic lid is not good and smells ?? Have you guys fixed this
Thank you for all that you do!! I love using your decarboxylator and have purchased the infusion sleeve, but have not used it yet. I am interested in trying sublingual dosing, but not sure how to prepare the cannabis to do this. I have some tincture I made, but when I use it sublingually I don’t seem to get much of an effect. Could you provide me with some more information, please?