Debunking the Hemp Plant
Welcome to Debunking the Hemp Plant with Emily Gogol, PhD, Head Gardener at Grow It From Home. Emily has years of experience growing all sorts of plants in urban gardens and is an expert on growing hemp at home. The sheer volume of misinformation surrounding the cultivation of Cannabis makes it challenging to sort out fact from fiction. Let’s debunk some myths together!
Myth #1: You can’t grow Cannabis, CBD, or THC at home.
There are over a dozen states that have laws on the books that allow you to grow, without any additional licenses or permits (e.g. no medical card needed) in your own home. This includes states across the country from California to Massachusetts. For detailed state information, check out this resource. These laws often include both CBD and THC plants.
Keep in mind that despite many websites online telling you they can ship you seeds, it is illegal to ship THC plants or seeds across state lines. CBD plants, from Grow It From Home, are legally shipped across state lines.
Myth #2: Cannabis plants are grown differently than Hemp plants.
Whether it is legally classified as Cannabis or Hemp, it is all botanically speaking Cannabis, which thrives using the same gardening techniques. Quality Cannabis and Hemp plants can look, smell, taste, and smoke exactly the same. The only difference is how the CBD or THC affects you; otherwise the plants are cared for and used in the same ways. Commercially, much Cannabis is grown indoors, and much Hemp is grown outdoors. There are market forces and legal restraints that have led to these differences on commercial farms, but they have less to do with the plants themselves.
Myth #3: Growing is difficult, expensive, and must be done indoors.
All wrong! Many different kinds of people are growing hemp at home, in their backyard or on a patio, across the U.S. Last year. Right now. Everyone from soccer moms to college kids to certified master gardeners are growing it outdoors. You would never think of growing your tomatoes indoors, and the same is true for hemp. It is a low effort, high reward, versatile plant for your vegetable garden. It costs no more than a tomato plant to grow, and you will get some of the highest quality flower you’ve ever seen in abundance. It really does grow like a weed!
Myth #4: Cannabis is for smoking and hemp is for wellness.
There are so many reasons people are growing hemp at home, and using different parts of the plant containing THC and CBD. I am not here to tell you how to use it, but there isn’t a one-size-fits all when it comes to these plants. People are cooking with it, juicing it for green smoothies, infusing oils/alcohols, and lets’ not forget CBD brownies! On the practical side, it is also way cheaper to grow your own. Companies are charging a fortune for CBD flower and oil, and you can grow more than you’ll ever be able to use. I dare you to try!
Plus, there's no better companion to a home grow than Ardent technology: both the Ardent Nova and the Ardent FX get you precision (97-100%) activation of your plant materials to make infused products in any space from start to finish. Home appliances simply cannot compare. You can also take advantage of all the plant's parts, activating the usable material on stems, sugar leaf, trim, and more. Ardent technology pays for itself in just a few uses, and now, you can get your device right away with six interest-free payments made over 4 weeks when you checkout using Sezzle.
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